We are going cashless. As of February 10th, we will accept debit cards, credit cards, and checks.

“I wondered, who's going to be there for my daughter? Until I came to New England Cancer Specialists. Now I have hope!”

Tracy Thibodeau of Falmouth, Breast Cancer Survivor

“I came to New England Cancer Specialists for a second opinion, on the advice of a friend, and today I’m glad I did.

“I’d had a routine mammogram, and got a call afterwards, which is also routine for me because of my tissue density. But this was different: they did a biopsy and found I had breast cancer. My first thought wasn’t about me, but my amazing 13-year old daughter, Parker: who would take care of her if I were no longer around?

I met with one practice and the doctor was nice but wasn’t even on staff. So I took my friend’s advice and met with Dr. Weisberg at NECS.

“From the moment I walked in here, I got a whole different feeling, of welcome and caring."

Learn more about prevention and detection of breast cancer.

Share Your Story

At New England Cancer Specialists, we know that each of our patients has a unique cancer journey, with unique challenges and stories. We believe that sharing these stories can inspire and support others, no matter what their diagnosis or where they are in the process.

If you would like to share the story of your cancer journey with us and other patients, please click the link below to learn more.

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Tracy Thibodeau

Tracy Thibodeau

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