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Preparing for the what-ifs in life.

You are invited to join the Supportive Care team (at right) for a discussion about the benefits of Advance Care Planning.

Download Advance Directive and related forms for your state:

What is Advance Care Planning?

Advance Care Planning is a process that gives you the opportunity to think about, discuss and record your preferences for the type of care you would want to receive and the outcomes you would consider acceptable if you were seriously ill and unable to make your wishes known. 

What does it involve?

  • Learning about the types of decisions that need to be made ahead of time.
  • Choosing a “proxy decision maker” and letting your family and medical team know about your preferences.
  • Record your decisions in an Advance Directive: a legal document that goes into effect only if you are unable to speak for yourself. This document can be adjusted if your situation changes, or you feel differently over time.

Why is it Important?

Planning minimizes the need to make difficult decisions under stressful situations. The process helps you understand possible medical scenarios you may not otherwise think about. It clarifies your goals and values and ensures that your care reflects what is most important to you. 

Having a plan also means your family doesn’t have to wonder if they did the right thing. It avoids confusion, arguments, or disagreements among family members trying to decide what to do if you cannot speak or make your wishes known.

Who needs to have one?

Every person regardless of their health status over the age of 18 should have a plan for the what-ifs. Unexpected things happen, for many reasons, often suddenly. Having an Advance Care Plan ensures that your wishes are known so they can be honored.

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