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Risk Assessment
Get Started Understanding Your Risk
Your genetic make-up may be contributing to an increased risk of cancer. Our genetic assessment will look at your personal and family history to see if you may be at a higher risk for hereditary cancers.
Physicians: Refer a Patient
Most patients will be seen within a week by our nationally recognized cancer specialists.

How to reduce your odds of getting cancer if you have a family history, or other risk factors.

If you have a significant family history of cancer, known genetic mutations, or other lifestyle risk factors, you are at higher risk of developing cancer. The good news is that there are things you can do to mitigate those risks. That’s what our high-risk cancer genetics program is all about. And it all starts with a comprehensive cancer risk assessment.

Cancer Risk Assessment

Understanding your individual risk factors is essential in managing high-risk cancers. Our program offers a comprehensive cancer risk assessment where one of our high-risk cancer specialists analyzes your medical history, assesses lifestyle factors known to impact cancer risks positively or negatively, and explores your family’s history of cancer. By identifying potential risk factors, they can develop personalized prevention strategies and guide you toward proactive measures to mitigate your risk.

Genetic Counseling

Our genetic counseling specialists play a crucial role in helping people with higher cancer risk factors cope with this knowledge by helping them feel fully informed about the complexities of hereditary cancers, as well as the benefits and limitations of genetic testing. Should you decide to take advantage of genetic testing, they’ll then help you understand your specific results and any implications for you and your family. 

Genetic testing revealed four of six members of the Bourget family had the BRCA II gene. They are survivors because they knew. Hear their story.

Lifestyle Counseling

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is paramount in reducing the risk of cancer in high-risk patients. Our knowledgeable and compassionate experts offer insightful tips and strategies to help you overcome the inherent challenges of both establishing and maintaining healthy habits with regard to critical lifestyle factors like healthy eating and weight management, stress reduction, regular, appropriate exercise, and sleep optimization. The goal is to reduce your cancer risk by helping you develop habits that become bona fide lifestyle changes you actually enjoy because they work for you in the context of your work and family lives.

Recommended Screenings and Follow Up

Helping to reduce your cancer risk is not an isolated, one-time act. In addition to testing and developing health habits, diligent follow-up care is crucial. That’s why our dedicated team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about cancer screening and prevention. And you can count on them being meticulous about ongoing motoring and scheduling follow-up care.

Key Local Partnerships

Our program has established key partnerships with local healthcare professionals and complementary service providers to optimize your success in reducing your cancer risk. These partnerships enable us to provide you with comprehensive treatments and services that ensure the best possible outcomes.

To take advantage of our high-risk cancer genetics program and reduce your risk of cancer, schedule a comprehensive cancer risk assessment. Or simply call and ask to speak with one of our genetics specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who should consider high-risk cancer care?

A: High-risk cancer care is recommended for individuals with a significant family history of cancer, known genetic mutations, or other identified risk factors.

Q: How can genetic counseling help me?

A: Genetic counseling provides insights into your genetic predisposition to cancer. It helps you understand the implications of your genetic profile, make informed decisions about genetic testing, and develop personalized prevention and management strategies.

Q: Are genetic tests covered by insurance?

A: Many insurance plans cover genetic testing for individuals with specific risk factors. Our team can assist you in determining your coverage and guiding you through the insurance process.

Q: What lifestyle factors can influence high-risk cancers?

A: Lifestyle factors such as maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress, getting quality sleep, and promoting a positive body image can significantly impact your cancer risk. Our lifestyle counseling services are designed to support you in adopting healthier habits.

Q: How often should I undergo screenings?

A: Screening frequency depends on various factors, including your specific risk profile. Our experts will recommend a screening schedule tailored to your individual needs and guidelines.

We are dedicated to providing comprehensive care and empowering you on your journey towards better health. Our team of specialists combines the latest advancements in cancer risk assessment, genetic counseling, genetic testing, lifestyle counseling, and regular screenings. Through our key local partnerships, we ensure access to top-quality care. Together, we aim to reduce your risk, detect cancer early, and optimize your overall well-being.

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