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“I still race today thanks to a routine colonoscopy. I am very fortunate that my cancer was detected early enough. There were zero signs.”

Ricky Dryden of Lyman, ME, Colon Cancer Survivor

"My name is Ricky, and I love cars. I've always had a passion for vehicles—fixing them, racing them, whatever it takes to have a good time with them. And I run a business. My wife runs the business with me.

"When they lowered the recommended age for first colonoscopy screenings from 50 to 45, my wife made appointments for both of us right away. She’s very adamant about certain things.

"She was good to go—we'll see you again in 10 years. But when I went in for mine, it was a different story. When I woke up, the doctor was still sitting next to me and I had a feeling that probably wasn't good. He asked me about symptoms because he felt I really should have symptoms due to the severity of what he found inside.

Ricky D with NECS Nurse

"Turns out, I had a tumor that was 12 inches long. You don't necessarily have to have symptoms for it to be there.

"My first meeting with New England Cancer Specialists was with Dr. Ilyas. He said, we're going to cure you of cancer. And it made me feel good hearing that vote of confidence from him right away. You really need somebody that can tell you straight up, this is your best option based on what we see. And Dr. Ilyas did that for me.

"I feel like people have foolish pride in certain aspects of the screening. An adult shouldn't be embarrassed about being screened at all. They don't go because they don't enjoy the process. But the consequences of NOT doing it are much greater. You're risking your life by avoiding screening. I was fortunate enough to catch it just in the nick of time.

Ricky Dryden With Racing Truck
Ricky in front of his race truck.

Amber-Jean driving to work.Ricky with his wife and daughter.

"I play hockey, and I'm pretty sure probably 95% of the Biddeford men's league hockey players signed up for screening immediately when they found out that it had happened to me. I wasn't sick, there were zero signs. And a lot of people that are close to me realized that you don't necessarily have to be sick.

"My experience with New England Cancer Specialist was second to none. They are very understanding. When it's time to joke around and lift spirits, they do. The doctors and nurses always seem to remember conversations we've had on previous visits and always ask for updates on your life. You know: How’s it going? How's your family? How are your kids? It makes things a little less stressful. You can easily get wrapped up in all the bad points of going through cancer treatment, but it's not all bad."

Learn more about the prevention and detection of colon cancer.

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